French Ph.D, Docteur en droit, Université de Paris II, Panthéon-Assas, 1998
The specialization of the sources of law with regard to international contracts (specialization in substantive law and jurisdictionally between international arbitration and litigation) (Supervisor Prof.B.Audit)
Main topics:
a) myth and reality in the alleged unsuitability of a domestic lex contractus under conflict of laws in governing international contracts
b) the progressive differentiation of sources of law with regard to international contracts: from domestic law as ordinary lex contractus, to international law (State Contracts), non-national law (Unidroit Principles, the controversial lex mercatoria), and uniform treaty law (CISG etc.)
c) the status of each of these sources and the effects of the rules they generate in both international litigation before national courts and international arbitration before arbitral tribunals
Italian Ph.D, Dottore di Ricerca, Università Rome I La Sapienza and Macerata, 1995
Mandatory rules in comparative contract law and overriding mandatory rules in the law of international contracts (Supervisor Prof.M.J.Bonell)
Main topics:
a) the nature and the effects of mandatory rules (mandatory rules per se, public policy, bonnes moeurs) in comparative contract law
b) the growth of internationally « positive » public policy provisions in comparative conflict of laws in contract
c) the elaboration of the category of overriding mandatory rules (or internationally mandatory rules) in comparative conflict of laws: their nature, conditions and effects on international contracts in international litigation and arbitration